Horses - its an addiction!
Believe in your horse so your horse can believe in you
Drifting Sands Horsemanship
We're on a mission to help you on your horsemanship journey.
Mike Pitman
Horsemanship Teacher and Developer
Mike offers progressive systematic horsemanship classes, clinics and multi session courses. This style of horsemanship becomes a way of thinking as well as riding your horse. He doesn’t just get you doing exercises, he wants you to understand the purpose and reason for the exercise. The aim of this training, through pressure and "correct" release, is to create a foundation (both physically and mentally) for the horse and the rider to build their partnership. He wants to create a responsive, thinking and soft saddle horse and rider. Join him and learn the essential elements and enjoy a pathway to quality horsemanship.
Mike also has a small Quarter Horse stud only breeding a handful of foals per year, they are bred for quality of temperament. All horses receive a wonderful foundation from the time they are weaned they become part of the training program.
Based at Inman Valley on the Fleurieu Peninsula, an hour south of Adelaide in South Australia.
Clinics and services
9th Feb 2025 https://driftingsands.setmore.com/classes/ca87161461062923420
On a mission to help you help you and your horse and create a partnership you will treasure by creating leadership, connection and developing excellent horsemanship skills.
Various progressive training courses, where one day builds on the last.
Choose from a structured course or move through our various levels at your pace.
Essentials, Primary and Secondary.
Upcoming class dates summary
Pre Cow Groundwork 2nd Nov 2024
Horse starting - contact us for available slots.
Foundation Studies Course
Taking you on a horsemanship journey
Structured and designed to take you on a horsemanship journey with specific outcomes. We will teach you the fundamentals of groundwork, developing your skills and help you to achieve your personal goals.
Suitable for people at all levels. This is a results orientated program, you will be assessed and graded as you go. There will be homework and practice tasks to complete between classes.
This requires commitment - with reward at the end.
Lets make this season really count!
Cost $165/day incl GST - 6 fully personalised training days ($990 complete course)
Horse Starting
Places available (please apply)
We now have openings for starting horses under saddle.
We are offering an extended program ensuring a solid foundation in groundwork and under saddle.
You will be invited to be part of the process so you can hone your skills and learn more about the methodology of your horses experience.Having a young horse is a wonderful journey and this requires your knowledge to be constantly developed.
DSH's sole aim to create a long lasting safe partnership between horse and human.
Groundwork Skills (essential to success)
Correct and accurate ground work, is a pathway to creating good leadership and connection.
Covered in the Essentials class:
Spacial awareness ~ Relaxation ~ Pressure and release ~ Driving/Draw and de-sensitisation ~ Leading and backing ~ Specific foot placement/timing ~ Disengaging the hind quarters ~ vertical and lateral flexion ~ setting up the soft feel.
Commences at 9am running through to 4pm
Full day $190 per rider ($200 Regional classes) - $40 spectator
Click on the booking button below and select the Essential Class on the date.
Groundwork exercises and concepts applied in the saddle
We have various focus points for this class. Such as focus on soft feel or focus on transitions.
Covered in Primary:
~ Revision of Essentials and application of these principles in the saddle ~ Disengaging the hind quarters and creating a correct and functional one rein stop ~ introducing the soft feel ~ forward, backing, stopping ~ square turns ~ placement and movement of each foot.Commences at 9am running through to 4pm
Full day $190 per rider ($200 Regional) - $40 spectator
Half day $100 per rider
Click on the booking button below and select the Primary class on the date.
Progressing to more advanced levels
Covered in Secondary:
Collection ~ lateral movements ~ timing, feel and balance! ~ quality of transitions.
Full day $190 per rider ($200 Regional) - $40 spectator
Half day $100 per rider
Participants are from previous class groups.
Float Training & Specialty days
Register your interest to receive notification of next class
There will be a float loading demonstration, then we will teach you to teach your horse how to self load and unload quietly with no fuss.
Limited to 5 horses per session.
This is a safe and valuable skill to learn and is something you will have forever.Private Horsemanship and Riding Lessons
With Mike (skills and relationship focus)
Available by appointment:
All though it is not a prerequisite to private lessons, we do encourage you attend an Essentials Groundwork class first.
Contact by phone: Mike 0427 792 078
or email through the link below
Any Questions - please send through an email.
Sale Yard
Quality horses for sale
15.3 gelding 9yo OTT
Absolute gentleman. Quiet friendly nature. A great all rounder. Videos available.
Who Whiz Zeus Q100086
Gelding: DOB: 30/10/2021
Sire: Who Whiz Jack Q-60281
Dam: Scoots Jasmine Q-39206
Muscles has grown into a lovely horse. He is in full work and ready for his new partner! 15+hh
QXH Nothing Compares Q-94132
Gelding DOB: 30/10/2018
Sire: Invited Tiger Q-59002
Dam: Just Something Hot Q-65536
Lovely big boy around 15.1 when last measured, really filling out now. Currently in work and doing great.
Top Whiz Docs Dusty Morn (reg pending)
Colt DOB: 13/8/2022
Sire: Who Whiz Jack Q-60281
Dam: Kyanjuwa Docs Morn Q-72601
Lovely young horse.
Young Stock always available
Weanlings, Yearlings +
We always have young stock available for sale.
Please call for more information.
Young Stock always available
Weanlings, Yearlings +
We always have young stock available for sale.
Please call for more information.
Drifting Sands Horsemanship - Store
Only selling the best horsemanship products
Who's Talking About Us
Take a look and enjoy!
From Robyn
When I first met Mike I had been struggling for about 2 years to rehabilitate an unbroken thoroughbred mare, I had rescued from going to the doggers. When she came to me she had a lot of pain issues and when they had been corrected she was still anxious and expecting pain every time I worked with her. As time went on she slowly improved but I had gradually lost my confidence and no longer believed I would be able to make her into a safe riding horse. Mike's step by step instructions, not only explaining (and demonstrating) what to do but also how your actions affect your horse gave me a new insight in working with her. She went from being the most head shy horse I have ever encountered to a horse that stands calmly while a rope is flipped around her head. She was also extremely difficult to load onto a float and after one half day lesson she now self loads. Following Mike's process I have a calm horse all of the time and within a few short months of correct groundwork I have now started to ride her. I can't thank Drifting Sands Horsemanship enough for teaching me the skills to attain a dream I had begun to think was unachievable.
From Megan
To all my friends and Friends that have horses, I am excited to write about my awesome experience which i attended at the Drifting Sands horse clinic on Sunday the 14th of Feb. I have been riding horses for over 25 years and have owned a few in that time. My riding experience has been a basic get on and go style, which was great as a kid but now getting older i need to feel safer and more in control. I have been looking for a place to get better knowledge and a better understanding of how my horse thinks and behaves, and how we can work better as a team. I came across the Drifting Sands Training and Partnership Education Face Book Site, and saw a clinic that begins with ground work and decided to book.
From the moment i arrived I was made feel welcome, and was guided to the arena. I was a part of a small group where there was myself and my horse Rover, and 3 other girls 2 of which were quite younger. These girls were able to work with horses provided by Michael and Faith as they did not have one of their own.
Mike Demonstrated different techniques both on the ground and in the saddle, with their own horses which was explained both verbally and then shown physically. I was extremely impressed on how they spent the time evenly between us all, and that the young girls were just as important as the rest of us.
We broke for lunch, which was a lovely sausage sizzle accompanied by a light salad. Tea or Coffee. then started the second Half of the Training.
One of the biggest issues i have with my horse Rover, is him standing still while i mount which i normally always use a crate, and can take up to 5 - 10 minutes. The biggest achievement for me on this day, was sitting on the Post of the arena, and with the techniques we had learnt throughout the day, i was able to mount my horse from sitting on the fence to sitting in my saddle, which he stood perfectly still.
I highly recommend to any one, that is having large or small issues with their horse to go out to Drifting Sands and experience their professional and friendly Training. I will definitely be attending the next clinic in March.
Thank you Mikefor providing such a great service so close to home.Caitlin
I had a great time today I learnt heaps of awesome things
So happy that I worked with the best 2 year old in the world, poor Henry he had to put up with me
Thank you faith and mike so much I had the best time everFrom Ashely
Love it! Have learnt sooooooo much and so have both my horses. Has helped me build my confidence and bond so much more with both my horses. Every lesson I do I learn so much and keeps me wanting to know more and build on what I learn. I more than likely wouldn't be riding or have the confidence I have now if I didn't go to these training days. Highly recommend to anyone. Thank you Mike for all the support and encouragement you give to us all. Keep up the great work. Can't wait for the next one
Helen and Robyn
Helen was at her whits end with her young horse and was seriously considering parting with him. Mike worked for a week with the horse and then with both Helen and the horse - the photo tells the story :)
Robyn had falling in love and bought this young Gypsy Cobb who was nervous and jumpy - look at him now :)
Review from happy client purchasing a horse
At Drifting Sands we will never pressure a person into buying a horse and always make sure that WE feel like it is a good match. The horse needs to suit the purpose and the also needs to be a good fit with the person.
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